Ways to Be Present in Your Relationship ...

Relationship can become like a pair of old slippers

Comfortable and reliable
Do you want your relationship to just amble along? After a time together a relationship can become like a pair of old slippers. Comfortable and reliable. But doesn’t part of you wish for a sparkling pair or Jimmy Choos or some dangerous red-soled Louboutins? You can enjoy a long and satisfying relationship when you are committed to staying present in it and not just let it happen around you and to you.

1. Say How You Feel

One way to be present in your relationship is to speak your mind. Tell one another how you feel and this way no hidden feelings can build up.

2. Be on Time

Make sure to be on time for dates and other activities. It shows that you are committed to spending time with one another.

3. Be Yourself

Do not pretend to be someone else. It means that you are not invested enough to show them your real self.

4. Be Compassionate

Showing compassion to both your partner, their family and their friends tells them that you are invested and them.

5. Let Things Go

Don’t sweat the small stuff that doesn’t need to be argued. Think about the bigger picture and your future together.

6. Be Considerate

Keep your partner's feelings in mind at all times. Be considerate of the kind of day they have had before you start making plans for the evening.

7. Always Be Kind

Always look to show kindness in whatever you are doing together. This does not mean being a pushover at all - just treat them with love and respect.

8. Open Yourself up

Secrets can cause a relationship to break down, so be as open with your partner as you would want them to be with you.

9. Make Plans

Show them you are looking towards a future together by making plans, - perhaps a holiday next year or a even just a date for next week!

10. Be Surprising

Keep the relationship fresh by surprising your partner with date nights and gifts to let him know you still have that spark together.

11. Be Mindful of Your Behavior

Notice what you do that annoys them and work to cut it out. It will only serve to help you as time goes by!

12. No Ultimatums

Relationships are all about compromise, so don’t be an enforcer and issue ultimatums whenever times get tough.

13. Give All of Your Attention

When you are together, make sure that your attention is solely on your partner. They can tell when you are distracted and your mind is elsewhere.

14. Don’t Check out

During conversation, don’t check out and start to let your mind wonder, it’s obvious when it happens and can lead to arguments!

15. Be Helpful

Be ready to offer your help even before you have to be asked for it. This forward thinking shows your partner that you are always ready to

16. Be Genuine

There is no other way to have a successful relationship than to show your genuine side. It is too exhausting to keep up a façade.

17. Put in the Work

Relationships are not easy, but showing your partner that you are willing to put in the work will give them confidence that you are just as committed as they are.

18. Make Time for Each Other

Even if you are both busy, commit to a certain evening of the week to be a date night.

19. Constantly Improve

We should all be evolving as we grow, so make sure that you are always improving yourself, both for personal reasons and for your partner.

20. Don’t Keep Score

Don’t be childish and keep a tally of relationship points between you are your loved one, it’s a silly mental system to operate.

21. Value Yourself

If you have self worth and self-confidence that it will show in your relationship and reflect well on the two of you as a pair.

22. Make an Effort

You should continue to make an effort both in your appearance and your attitude, even if you have been together for years and years!

23. Be Persistent

Learn to understand that relationships can be tough, and that the power of persistence can do wonders.

24. Share the Load

Split up the housework between you. There is nothing worse than an argument about washing dirty socks!

25. Stay Positive

Even when you are feeling lower than usual, keeping an air of positivity between the two of you is vital to staying present in the relationship.

26. Be Encouraging

Recognize when your partner needs a little confidence boost, and be there to encourage them when they are feeling insecure.

27. Never Compare Them

Never, ever, compare your current partner to an ex! The past should stay in the past and it’s unfair to mix two people together like that.

28. Don’t Expect Too Much

Breaking news! Human beings are flawed! Don’t expect a fairy tale romance right off the bat; a relationship is something that needs work.

29. Keep the Romance Alive

Write little love notes to each other that you can leave around the house. They are super sweet and a great way to keep the spark alive.

30. Say Goodnight with a Kiss

Always say goodnight with a kiss. It goes hand in hand with never going to bed on an argument. Tomorrow is a new day, don’t wake up holding a grudge!


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