7 Promises to Make Yourself if You Want to Be Successful

Nothing good comes easy

Get where you want in life
If you want to be successful, then you're going to have to work hard.

Nothing good comes easy.

Unfortunately, unless you're willing to do whatever it takes to get where you want in life, you probably won't reach your goals.

In order to make sure that you do, here are a few promises that you should make to yourself if you want to be successful:

1. I Promise I Won’t Give up

Failure isn't permanent, unless you let it be. That means that you can't give up after failing once. As long as you try again and again, eventually that failure will turn into success. You just have to be patient and learn from your mistakes. The second time you try to complete a goal, you'll have a higher chance of succeeding than the first time, and so on and so forth.

2. I Promise I'll Push Myself

Never stop moving forward. No matter how talented or intelligent you are, there's always more to learn and accomplish. That means that you shouldn't let yourself get too comfortable with your current position. Push yourself to get a promotion, so that you can make your life even more amazing than it is now. There are always better things up ahead, but only if you aim for them.

3. I Promise I Won’t Be Too Hard on Myself

You need to push yourself in order to succeed, but that doesn't mean you should torture yourself. Give yourself a break. If you're working hard, then don't get angry when you fail. If you're too tough on yourself, then you're going to hurt yourself instead of help yourself.

4. I Promise I’ll Value Myself

No matter what you accomplish in life, you need to remember how valuable you are. It doesn't matter how much money you have or how many goals you've actually crossed off of our bucket list. You're still a valuable person.

5. I Promise to Learn from My Criticism

If someone criticizes your performance at work, don't flip out. Listen to what they have to say, and try to take their criticism into consideration. They might've said something worth listening to. As hurtful as their words might be at first, they could end up shaping you into the person you need to be to succeed.

6. I Promise to Stop Doubting Myself

You could spend hours listing out all of the things that could go wrong when trying to accomplish your goals, but what good would that do you? Positive thinking can boost your chances of doing what you set out to do, so stay optimistic. There's no reason to doubt yourself when you already know what you're capable of. You just have to wait for the world to see what you're capable of, too.

7. I Promise to Grow

You're meant to grow each and every day. If your small town isn't giving you what you need, you have to move away. If your friendships are holding you back, you have to cut some people loose. If you don't, it'll prevent you from changing, and changing is a big part of life. If you want to succeed, you have to give yourself room to grow.

Make these promises to yourself, so that you can create the best life possible.


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