What Shakespeare Had to Say about Love

For 400 years this playwright has ruled the world of English literature

Words we use today stem from his pen
On April 23rd, 2016, it was the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare’s death. It’s incredible that for 400 years this Elizabethan playwright has ruled the world of English literature. His work is timeless and many of the expressions and words we use today stem from his pen (or should we say quill). To commemorate the Great Bard, let’s see what he had to say on the subject of love:

1. Indescribable

2. Understanding

3. Unconditional

4. Kindness

5. Connection

6. First Sight

7. Indulgence

8. Impulsive

9. Decisive

10. Enchantment

11. Acceptance

12. Trust

13. Intoxicating

14. Determination

15. Effort

16. Contentment

17. Perseverance

18. Direct

19. Instant

20. Spontaneous

21. Forever

22. Girl Power

23. Insanity

24. Permanent

25. Express Yourself


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