17 Amazing Images of the Most Mesmerizing World Fountains

The play of light, construction, shape and decoration

The play of water
Fountains are small architectural wonders. We can rarely see the play of water in residential buildings, and this is why they can be architects’ favorite, inspiration and challenge. Representing the flow of life through water, fountains spellbind watchers and are immensely tranquilizing.

There are endless ways to let the water run, as some of the world’s most amazing fountains show below. The play of light, construction, shape and decoration produce stunning enjoyment for passers-by and are the trademarks of large cities in which they are located.

Fountains can make the most beautiful intersections between nature, sculpture, art and architecture. Enjoy in the cascading, flowing, sprinkling, bursting, gushing, still and splashing water while you get familiar with the most mesmerizing world fountains.

71 Fountain, USA

The Volcano Fountain, United Arab Emirates

Disney’s Fountain of Nations, USA

Water Boat Fountain, Spain

Dubai Fountains, United Arab Emirates

The Fountains of Bellagio, USA

Divers Fountain, United Arab Emirates

Swarovski fountain, Austria

The Stravinsky Fountain, France

Julie Penrose Fountain, USA

Waterfall Graphic Print, Japan

The Fountain of Wealth, Singapore

Banpo Bridge Rainbow Fountain, South Korea

Charybdis Vortex Fountain, UK

Floating Faucet Fountain, Spain

The Magic Fountain of Montjuïc, Spain

Metalmorphosis Mirror Fountain, USA


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