It's super sex positive, plus post-sex snaps have the potential to be sensual, even beautiful.
However, they have just as much potential to be awkward as hell.
I mean, awkward for the people in them because, for the rest of us, they're pretty entertaining.
Does that make me mean?
Probably, but I defy you to check out these post-coital snapshots and not laugh at least once.
(Author's note: the following post contains NSFW images and dirty language, so you've been warned and junk.)
1. Thumbs up, Tongues out

Oh, Miley.
Whatever, they got it in, they're happy, they just want to share it with the rest of us.
I guess.
2. Who is That?

Hahaha, that face!
Hopefully, he got coffee for her, as well.
That might soothe her confusion a little.
3. All the Grunting ...

Her face, too, that is priceless, that is awesome, that is epic!
He grunts!
4. … No Words

She looks like she's been through some things.
5. Please Leave … Now

I hope this turned out all right because if looks can kill, this guy probably didn't make it.
6. This is a Bad Decision

What is he even doing?
Is he taking a post-sex selfie of his own?
Why is he making that face?!
7. Oops?

He didn't even bring any coffee.
She's hella cute, though.
8. I Don't Remember …

Do we see a pattern developing here?
Also, is he sleeping with his phone clutched in his hand?
9. Whoops!

These facial expressions are killing me!
10. Please – Somebody Help

I'm serious.
I'm honestly sitting here giggling.
That pout!
I really can't say this should never have been posted.
11. Uh Oh …

Ohhh … that's not good.
That's not good at all.
It could be worse, though.
It could be his best mate's current.
12. The Selfie That Makes No Sense

What are you doing, bro?
What's so funny?
Share the joke, not just half of your face.
13. Just You and Your Hand Tonight

That's actually pretty clever.
14. Him and His Hand, Too

This one has a face!
15. She is Not Impressed

He maybe should've checked that before he shared this.
She really just … that's like the face of disappointment.
16. Wait a Minute …

What am I looking at here?
17. Revenge Selfie

This has a story attached to it.
Ten points to Slytherin if you can find it!