39 Super Impressive and Well-Done Tattoos of Completely Bizarre Things

Look, if you want to get a tattoo, that is absolutely your prerogative. I'm not going to sit here and explain to you that "a tattoo lasts forever" and that "it's not going to look like that when you get older," because you already know the first one and the second one is a dumb argument.

Tattoo Ideas Far Beyond Your Imagination.

And I'm not going to judge your tattoo, either. Unless it's one of these ones. While they're all clearly done by experts who are excellent at their job, I just can't help but wonder...why?

39 Super Impressive and WellDone Tattoos of Completely Bizarre Things

On the bright side, this is an excellent work of tattoo portraiture.

On the other hand, you now have a photorealistic image of Nicolas Cage on your leg forever, so that’s just kind of a whole thing, ya know?

39 Super Impressive and WellDone Tattoos of Completely Bizarre Things

Very straight lines. Very clear lettering. It’s clear what this is supposed to be.

…It’s just completely unclear why someone would want it. Is parenthood somehow intrinsically connected to word search puzzles?

39 Super Impressive and WellDone Tattoos of Completely Bizarre Things

Sure. Get a tattoo of a spider sprawling across your face.

Why not?

39 Super Impressive and WellDone Tattoos of Completely Bizarre Things


It’s a tattoo you’ll have to explain to your grandkids. And then they still won’t get it.

39 Super Impressive and WellDone Tattoos of Completely Bizarre Things

This is an already-played-out meme that will make approximately zero sense after the Internet has moved onto the next thing in a few months. Better get a tattoo of it!

39 Super Impressive and WellDone Tattoos of Completely Bizarre Things

I’m actually going to go ahead and pretend that this is actually just a close up of a real snake hiding in a shoe because I cannot live in a world where this is a tattoo on a real live human being.

39 Super Impressive and WellDone Tattoos of Completely Bizarre Things

“I wanna get a tattoo of my favorite thing — Red Bull — but, like, I want it to be artistic in some way. I know! How about if it’s a crushed Red Bull can? That’s symbolic. Probably.”

39 Super Impressive and WellDone Tattoos of Completely Bizarre Things

This one seriously gives me the heebie-jeebies. My compliments to the tattoo artist.

My look of incredulity to the man with the arrow in his knee.

39 Super Impressive and WellDone Tattoos of Completely Bizarre Things

I’d like to believe this tattoo is on the same guy who has the Red Bull one.

I’d also like to believe that he just has all of his favorite snacks in various states of disarray tattooed on him.

39 Super Impressive and WellDone Tattoos of Completely Bizarre Things

The detail in this one is so good. It really looks like it could crawl right off this person’s arm.

Alas. It’s there forever.

39 Super Impressive and WellDone Tattoos of Completely Bizarre Things

Sure, maybe you like Stranger Things. But do you like it enough to get a sprawling Stranger Things tattoo across your entire chest? No?

That’s probably for the best.

39 Super Impressive and WellDone Tattoos of Completely Bizarre Things

I’ve looked at this tattoo for a good five minutes now, and while I can’t say that I personally would ever want it, I have to be honest.

I kind of dig it.

39 Super Impressive and WellDone Tattoos of Completely Bizarre Things

If you like Michael Cera enough to tattoo his headshot on your body, might I make a suggestion? Maybe you could just carry his picture around in your wallet or something. It would be just are realistic but significantly less bizarre.

39 Super Impressive and WellDone Tattoos of Completely Bizarre Things

This is another one of the most realistic tattoo portraits I’ve ever seen. Whoever did this tattoo is clearly very talented.

But still. Why?

39 Super Impressive and WellDone Tattoos of Completely Bizarre Things

There are a few things in the world which OxiClean actually won’t get out.

One of them is tattoos. The other is the feeling of regret.

39 Super Impressive and WellDone Tattoos of Completely Bizarre Things

Only ’90s kids will get this tattoo!

Just kidding. I’m a ’90s kid and I legitimately have no idea what’s going on here.

39 Super Impressive and WellDone Tattoos of Completely Bizarre Things

Sometimes we just have to accept things as they are instead of wondering how or why they came to be.

It hurts too much to try and apply logic where there is none to be found.

39 Super Impressive and WellDone Tattoos of Completely Bizarre Things

At least when this guy tells his kids that he has eyes on the back of his head, they’re gonna believe him.

There’s something to that, I guess

39 Super Impressive and WellDone Tattoos of Completely Bizarre Things

He didn’t choose the Bugs life.

The Bugs life chose him.

But then he chose the tattoo. That was his only mistake.

39 Super Impressive and WellDone Tattoos of Completely Bizarre Things

Think about the scenario that led to this. Someone walked into a tattoo parlor and requested a tattoo…of a minion…who is clearly high…in a Buzz Lightyear costume…

And the tattoo artist said yes and made this masterpiece. A true professional, ladies and gentlemen.

39 Super Impressive and WellDone Tattoos of Completely Bizarre Things

I don’t know about you, but I give this tattoo one giant thumbs up.

Thumb up? You get what I mean.

39 Super Impressive and WellDone Tattoos of Completely Bizarre Things

You might need this one explained to you. See, Eazy-E’s name ends in “E,” and E.T.’s name starts with an E. So this is the character of E.T. reimagined as Eazy-E. Get it? Of course you do.

39 Super Impressive and WellDone Tattoos of Completely Bizarre Things

God gave us two ears and only one mouth so that we could get a scary face tattooed on our face and use our own ear as the

scary face’s ear.

I’m pretty sure that’s in the Bible.

39 Super Impressive and WellDone Tattoos of Completely Bizarre Things

Have you ever looked at your knee and thought, “That looks like a cartoon toad’s belly”?

This guy has. And then he took it one step further.

39 Super Impressive and WellDone Tattoos of Completely Bizarre Things

This is the perfect tattoo for people who love wine but don’t want to drink it as much as they just want to pretend to pour it from their arm. It’s a niche market, but it’s there.

39 Super Impressive and WellDone Tattoos of Completely Bizarre Things

Well, that’s one way to pay tribute to Anne Frank, I guess.

I’m not gonna say it’s necessarily a good way. But it’s a way.

39 Super Impressive and WellDone Tattoos of Completely Bizarre Things

Say what you will about this tattoo, but I’m always grateful when I can whether I want to interact with someone after a quick glance at their back. Saves me all kinds of time.

39 Super Impressive and WellDone Tattoos of Completely Bizarre Things

Get it? “Noods” instead of “nudes.”

This would be a clever T-shirt, maybe. But a tattoo that will last forever and ever?! This pun is not good enough for that.

39 Super Impressive and WellDone Tattoos of Completely Bizarre Things

Oh, we’re doing another one of these, huh?

Cool. Cool cool cool.

39 Super Impressive and WellDone Tattoos of Completely Bizarre Things

I’m not really sure what this one is trying to say, but I have to imagine there’s a deeper message here, right?

Please let there be.

39 Super Impressive and WellDone Tattoos of Completely Bizarre Things

The more of these tattoos I see, the less I find I have to say about them.

I’m impressed! But I just don’t get it.

39 Super Impressive and WellDone Tattoos of Completely Bizarre Things

This might be the most impressive one on the list. It is so realistic.

It’s also convenient that Tom Hanks’ face already has the same expression of everyone who sees this tattoo.

39 Super Impressive and WellDone Tattoos of Completely Bizarre Things

“Should we buy the photos of us riding the rollercoaster? No! I have a way better idea!”

Do you, though?

39 Super Impressive and WellDone Tattoos of Completely Bizarre Things

OK. I get it. Kind of.

Although it seems like the Bible isn’t actually the plug; it’s the source of electricity (or whatever). The plug is the plug. Other than that, flawless tattoo. 10 out of 10.

39 Super Impressive and WellDone Tattoos of Completely Bizarre Things

Remember that tattoo we saw earlier of the snakeskin on that person’s leg?

This is so much worse.

39 Super Impressive and WellDone Tattoos of Completely Bizarre Things

And here we have an entire gallery of questionable tattoo decisions.

You know, for when you love two franchises equally, but also want to ruin them both at the same time.

39 Super Impressive and WellDone Tattoos of Completely Bizarre Things

You’ve probably seen plenty of Disney-themed tattoos.

But have you ever seen a Disney-themed tattoo in the shape of Donald Duck? I thought not.

39 Super Impressive and WellDone Tattoos of Completely Bizarre Things

This is pretty incredible work, but I can’t help but think it’d be way less bonkers if this person had gone with this same design for an inanimate object instead of a living, breathing animal. Am I alone in thinking that?

39 Super Impressive and WellDone Tattoos of Completely Bizarre Things

Once again: Acceptable T-shirt.

Questionable Tattoo.


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