That’s probably how these masterpieces, that make us laugh and cry at the same time, came to life. Well, let’s have a look.
Dishes with ants. Are you still hungry?

How about the width of this shower entrance?

A nice Easter picture to color

The most confusing faucet

Extreme wheelchairing

“Oh, thank you for adding this much needed gripping point.”

A criminal that the Warwickshire police tried to find.

This Sponge Bob will visit me in my nightmares.

An advertising poster that won’t leave anyone indifferent.

The circle on this volume control isn’t centered on the line.

Where do I throw away my food?

“My textbook has a video for me to watch.”

Why did they need to photoshop a trashcan?

Stairs to the ceiling

Very strange logo

“Neither drawer can open completely.”

Where is the handle?

What’s the time? 4:30 or 4:33?

No comment here

“The old packaging trick.”

“Big packaging for 4 small pieces.”


Here’s the only parking spot that’s not taken.