They have no idea you need to replace an empty toilet paper roll or clean the dishes in a somewhat timely manner. However, these and other annoying co-existence problems are often the results of the lack of communication. For some reason, our tongues find it almost impossible to tell our housemate that something is bothering us.
Scroll down to check out how creative we get when we're pissed off.
#1 My Roommate Put This On Our Fridge

#2 What's Been Happening Lately

#3 Dear Gary, Please Do Me

#4 Left A Romantic Surprise For My Roommate

#5 My Roommate Put This On Our Shower Door, After Being Yelled At For Not Locking It

#6 One Of My Roommates Just Posted These In Each Of Our Bathrooms

#7 I Told My Roommate He Was Putting The Tp On Backwards And Then I Find This

#8 You Seem Stressed

#9 My Friend And His Roommates Disagree

#10 How To Be Passive-Aggressive

#11 My Roommate Leaves Me Notes To Remind Me To Do Chores. This Makes Him Angry

#12 Here's Hoping My Housemates Have A Sense Of Humor

#13 My Roommate Trimmed His Beard Over The Sink. After It Clogged We Made Him Clean It. Came Home To This

#14 A Housemate's Note

#15 Caught

#16 How My Buddy Reminds His Roommates To Pay Their Rent

#17 This Guy Turned His Roommate’s Mess Into A “Passive-Aggressive Art Gallery”

#18 FYI

#19 I Live With Three Other Guys And This Is What My Girlfriend Left On Our Dryer

#20 Is Roommate Shaming A Thing?