1. No matter where you’ve lived, chances are you’ve dealt with an extremely annoying neighbor. Your reasons for not getting along may vary, but still, it’s technically a universal situation or a rite-of-passage, if you will. Even the sweetest people have felt the overwhelming annoyance of dealing with someone next door that they just don’t get along with. If you’re thinking right now that you’ve never dealt with something like this then there’s a possibility that you’re lying to yourself. Or maybe you were the annoying neighbor. I bet you never thought of that, huh? One of the pettiest complaints a neighbor can have is when it doesn’t affect them. The neighbor that thought calling the cops on this person’s flamingo-adorned lawn was a good idea was greatly mistaken. They may have just wanted the eye sore gone from their street, but little did they know, they started a war.
2. If you don’t own a dog, there’s really no reason you should be picking up dog poop off of your lawn. However, there’s a lot of lazy dog walkers out there who don’t bother picking up after their fluffy friend. This person has clearly had enough and this threat should keep all dropping away in the future
3. Assigned parking is quite a luxury when you live in a building complex until someone else takes your spot. This person decided to unleash their rage with pen and paper and wrote a passive aggressive note that not only roasted them for taking their spot, but also their parking skills.
4. Sidewalk chalk isn’t just for kids, it can be used to passive aggressively shame your neighbor for leaving dog poop in a prime spot for someone to walk in. The perpetrator may go unidentified, but if they stick to the same route they might think twice about not picking up after their dog.
5. How many trash cans have you walked by and saw bags of poop just sitting around the perimeter? The amount of times it happens is baffling. These people have come so close yet still can’t fully commit to being a decent human being. We are just as confused as you letter writer.
6. Anyone who has ever lived below someone else knows that it’s not the most serene experience. The sounds coming from upstairs will often prompt a guessing game of what they could possibly be doing to be so loud. This person posted a picture of a pair of concrete flip flops to get their point across.
7. Every small town or community has that one person who thinks everything should be a certain way and have a certain aesthetic standard. Clearly, Bob complained about this person’s fence not being painted. Unfortunately for him, this person isn’t going to go out of their way just to make sure he’s happy.
8. Ah, yes. Good ole farm towns! It’s especially tricky when they’ve been recently made into regular suburbs and only a few family farms remain. Or when a farmer comes to a regular suburb with roosters. That’d be annoying too. This person sounds like if something isn’t done about this rooster, it might become their next meal.
9. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do to get people to look after their dogs the way they should and stop defiling your land! Even if that means sending your grandson to go poop on the lawn of the person who did it. Two wrongs don’t make a right, but this threat should do the trick.
10. A building’s laundry machines work on first come first serve and basis and if there’s none available at the time, you just have to wait it out. However, some people must have emergency laundry situations as they feel entitled enough to completely take over. This laundry victim got revenge
11. Every apartment building suffers from that one awful couple that for some reason are still together despite the fact that it seems like they absolutely hate each other’s guts. Maybe they enjoy fighting with each other, but one thing is for sure, the rest of the building definitely does not.
12. You have to wonder if some dog owners have become deaf to the sound of their own dog’s bark? The neighbors, however, have definitely not. It’s fine if your dog is a little bark-happy, but bring it inside so the entire neighborhood doesn’t have to hear the soundtrack to your canine’s vocal energy.
13. Even if you have a neighbor with the voice of an angel, hearing constant singing can get annoying very fast. Life in a musical isn’t as fun as it may seem and when that voice sounds like nails on a chalkboard, it’s an absolute nightmare. This person decided to get straight to the point with a note that will hopefully make them reconsider belting out tunes.
14. Don’t be fooled by the whimsical font and heart adorned exclamation marks, this person is not happy. While the person did bring by extra baggies and clean up this person’s dog poop, they also left it at their front door. It won’t be a pleasant surprise for them but nor is unexpectedly stepping in the poop of a dog you don’t own.
15. Most people who steal things like a paddling pool off of someone else’s lawn probably don’t think about who they are stealing it from. This grandmother decided to make whoever took it feel terrible for stealing from a 4-year-old child. She also casually threw in that she hopes they die.
16. One can only imagine what these neighbors could have been up to that would make their nearby residents think an exorcism was taking place. At least this neighbor was nice enough to ask them to keep their expelling of demons to Friday and Saturday nights. A little common courtesy never hurt anyone.