12 Incredibly Powerful Pictures Of Mary-Kate And Ashley Looking In Opposite Directions

On the occasion of their birth

Excep the last one
1. Truly moving

2. Inspirational

3. “You must do the things you think you cannot do.” —Eleanor Roosevelt

4. “From a small seed a mighty trunk may grow.” —Aeschylus

5. “Why are you looking everywhere but at my camera.” —the person taking this picture

6. “Never mind I take that back.” —the person taking this picture

7. A Very Rare Never Before Seen photo of a Smile.

8. Two roads diverged in a wood, and I…

9. I took the line of vision less traveled by

10. With Bobby D. thrown into the mix

11. Be the change you wish to see in the world

Bobby S. saves the day and everyone looks at the camera


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