1. He is one of the people you know the longest.
He is always there and he always has been. Friendship can be measured by the amount of time you spend together – and you’ve spent time with him your whole life. Though he had a million other things to do, he was never too busy when you really needed him. The time you’ve had together is already more than enough reason to consider you Dad your best friend.
2. He has knowledge and experience that none of your friends have.
He is the person whose advice you trust the most. You might have other friends and family, but when you need really important advice you always head to him. He can give you advice about what career path to choose, where to invest your first earned money, and what to wear for a date. You value his viewpoint more than anyone else’s and he’s willing to help you – from the bottom of his heart.
3. He is the person with whom you shared your first little discoveries about the world.
The two of you have shared so many precious moments together. You still miss your secret places where you spent your free time together. He taught you so many important things about life like how to woodwork, how to climb a tree, and how to not care what other people say about you.
4. He walked on all fours, pretending he was an animal to cheer you up.
When you were upset, he would do the stupidest things just to cheer you up. Remember when he pretended to be a monster, put on stupid hats, and did whatever he could to make you happy? Because putting a smile on your face warmed his heart, he didn’t stop clowning until your face shone with happiness.
5. He carried you on his hands when your little feet hurt.
Who else on earth would do something like that for you?
6. He always takes your side.
He took your side against your mom when you did something wrong. He would do anything to make you happy, and he was never able to say ‘no’ to you.
7. He was the first person you had a beer with.
He knew you would become an adult sooner than he expected, and that you would be keen to experience new things – even the things that aren’t really good for you. He was tolerant and wise enough to be the first to show them to you – and take care of you, if needed.
8. He prefered to lose sleep so he could pick you from parties in the middle of the night.
He understood that teenagers do crazy things. He waited up for you text him, so he could pick you up and make sure you made it home safe.
9. He witnessed all your weird love affections.
You asked him for sticky tape when you wanted to post a huge cheesy poster of the Backstreet Boys or Justin Bieber on your wall. And he helped you out without saying a word.
10. He encouraged you to try crazy things, even when your mother was panicked with fear.
He understands the adventurous souls of young people. He supported your solo trips, extreme sports, and other risky passions – when your mother would rather have locked you in your room.
11. He was there for you when you experienced heartbreak for the first time.
He was discrete when you spent all day shut in your room with a broken heart because your sweetheart rejected you at a school party. He wanted to find and torture anyone who would even think about hurting you.
12. He is the first person you call.
You know he’ll pick your call, no matter what he’s doing – or what time it is. You love to talk with him on the phone and share the news of your day. You call him when you feel lonely, when you’re broke, when you can’t make a decision, or when you need an advice on how to hang a picture on the wall…
13. He put high standard for potential partners so it’s difficult to find someone who will be as amazing as him.Having an amazing dad is both lucky and an obstacle at the same time. If you grew up with him, he’s probably your model for men or for people in general. How could you even take a person seriously who isn’t as good as him and can’t take care of you as well as he did?
14. He likes to hang out with your friends.
He’ll always find some excuse to visit when your friends are over. Hanging out with people your age makes him feels younger and he likes to
share his brilliant stories. Your friends think he’s hilarious and like to have beers with him.
15. He never changes.He’s like a rock. You might not see each other for a long time, but when you meet it’s like nothing ever changed. He’s always truly himself around you; he’s more genuine than anyone else.
16. He’s the only person you can’t imagine ever living without.
Life changes all the time, and people come and go. When we’re busy growing up, it’s easy to forget that our parents are growing older, too. We’re lucky to have them in our lives for a limited amount of time, so don’t take them for granted! If many of the signs I’ve listed seem familiar to you, you’re a lucky person – your Dad is your best friend.
Be sure to thank him for it!