Don’t worry, plenty of audience members at the Game of Thrones 2015 San Diego Comic-Con panel asked the cast and producers the same question that’s been on everyone’s mind since the Season 5 finale.
Director David Nutter revealed that the President is also desperate to find out anything he can about the possibly (probably?) deceased Lord Commander of the Night's Watch.
"He put his hand on my shoulder and said, 'You didn't kill Jon Snow, did you?’” the EP recalled of his recent meeting with the Commander-in-Chief. ”I said, 'Mr. President, Jon Snow is deader than dead."
Despite many attempts by the crowd to get the cast to weigh in on Snow’s fate, the actors remained mum. But they did reflect on the events of Season 5, and made some predictions for the future of Westeros. Read on for the biggest highlights from the 2015 Comic-Con panel!
But Really, About Jon Snow

The many attempts for Snow spoilers were fruitless, but star Natalie Dormer (Margaery Tyrell) addressed the storyline indirectly. "A lot of us at this table are in the same position as you,” she said. “I don't have an effing clue what's going to happen tomorrow.” Who Will Miss Kit Harington the Most?
“We couldn’t wait for him to be gone,” cracked Maisie Williams (aka pint-sized warrior Arya Stark). That hair, so annoying.”
Getting Ahead of the Books
Now that the show has caught up to George RR Martin’s book series, showrunners David Benioff and Dan Weiss take their cues from the author. Said producer Carolyn Strauss, Martin "has laid out sort of what his thinking was moving forward and then Dan and David go from there.” And since the show is now ahead of the books, there’s heightened security around spoilers.
Arya’s Eyesight

Williams has grown up a lot since she was first cast on the show, but the biggest change to her character is actually a result of Arya going blind — something she’s nervous to explore in Season 6. "It takes them three seconds to write 'Arya fights blind,’ but it takes me a long time to master that,” she confessed. Plus, those contacts are "really uncomfortable!”
Season 5 Changes
What would Gwendoline Christie (Brienne of Tarth) change about what happened in Season 5? You could’ve guessed: “I would wait for the candle.”
Least-Liked Cast Member
Many of the GoT cast members are friends in real life, but there’s one member they didn’t like too much. "Ser Pounce was a nightmare," Dormer confessed. "He would not stay on that bed!”
Who Should Take the Iron Throne?

Toward the end of the panel, one audience member asked the cast who they’d like to see wind up on the Iron Throne once and for all. "I'm for Hodor,” Christie joked. ”He could do as good a job as anyone!" Cracked Liam Cunningham (Davos Seaworth), "Well, it won't be the Baratheons." Added Carice van Houten (Melisandre), "I would love to live in a world where Samwell Tarly is king."