The world from a different angle

5,000 entries with photos

Drone photography
Drones are becoming a very popular way of taking photographs as they open up a whole new world and allow people to see the world from a totally new angle. Dronestagram has just had its second drone photography competition and some of the submissions were stunning.

Dronestagram is a hub for people who own drones and take photos with their drones and upload them. The competition sees around 5,000 entries with photos taken all over the world. Amateurs and professionals alike submit their entries and the competition has a panel of judges, two of which are National Geographic photographers. They have the task of choosing the best in four different categories.

The photograph which won the Places category was an amazing shot of a cityscape that was captured by Ricardo Matiello who made his own custom drone in Brazil. He captured an image showing the towns tallest buildings showing their tips which poked from dense cloud and called it Above the Mist. Of course as he flew the drone up through the dense cloud he lost sight of it and had to keep his fingers crossed that he would capture something outstanding. He did and the shot earned him first place in the Popular Prizes category as it was the most liked.

The Nature category winner was a photograph taken in the French Polynesia by a photographer with the name of Tahitiflyshoot and called his image Snorkelling with Sharks and he too used a custom machine to capture the stunning shot of two snorkelers swimming among a circle of sharks.

Kdilliard took the 2nd prize winner in the nature category with a stunning shot entitled La Jolla.

Tulip Fields took the 3rd in Places category by @andersa.

The 3rd prize in the nature category went to Marama Photo Video and had the title of Lost Island, Tahaa, French Polynesia.

The 2st prize in the category Dronies, which is selfies, went to FlyovermediaCy with a photo entitled Where’s Wally, Limassol Carnaval.

The 2nd prize winner in the category Popular prizes was a stunning night shot of Bulgaria with the title of Plovidv by Night, taken by Ice Fire.

The 3rd prize winner in Popular Prizes was taken by Wootsor of a diver diving down into the rock strewn ocean from the Cliffside platform.


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