19 Irresistibly Sexy Things People Do At The Gym

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Feeling thirsty
1. When someone actually puts the dumbbells back where they belong.

2. When they wipe down their machine right after using it.

3. When there’s a million cardio machines available and they DON’T choose the one right next to you.

Playing hard to get… and I like it.

4. When you’re getting water and the person in front of you takes a quick sip and bounces so they don’t hold up the line.

You’re an angel from heaven. That’s what you are.

5. When someone does abs in the designated AB AREA.

6. When they use the squat rack for actual squatting purposes.

7. And even clear the rack for the next person when they’re done.

8. When someone goes to use a bench and politely asks you if you’re still using it.

Lord, have mercy.

9. When someone gets a phone call and they actually step outside to take it.

10. When someone’s friends are trying to socialize with them but they’re working out too hard to pay attention.

Yup, officially aroused.

11. When you and someone else are about to use the same machine and they tell you to go first.

12. When you ask someone if you can “work in with them” and they respond yes without any question.

13. When someone takes only the weights they need, instead of hoarding all the weights for their entire workout.

14. When the person on the treadmill next to you smells gloriously of fabric softener.

15. When someone puts a towel down on the equipment before using it.

16. When someone lifts heavy weight without having to let the entire gym know about it.

No screaming or dropping the weights everywhere? Um, are you single?

17. When someone goes out of their way to walk behind you in the free weight area so they don’t interrupt your set.

18. When someone limits themselves to 30 minutes on the cardio machine when they know the gym’s super busy.

19. And, more than anything, when someone notices you working out… and doesn’t give any tips at all about how to improve your form.


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