A staple of Saturday morning TV, Swap Shop with Noel Edmonds was one of our favourites and we begged our parents to let us ‘phone in’ at least once.

The picture you could create again and again – who remembers fuzzy felt?!

Games like Buckaroo and Hungry Hippos dominated our play dates and Sunday afternoons.

‘Britain’s noisiest crisps!’ we could do with one of these now…yum

Iced gems were the best mid-morning snack we found in our lunch boxes ever!

Jelly shoes worn in the rock pools on seaside breaks…

The Magic Roundabout theme tune always gets us reminiscing about our childhood!

Who remembers when you could get Fizzy Spangles for just 2½ pence?!

One of the greatest games of all time? We’ll never forget the first time we played Pacman…

Never being able to solve this. Ever.

Now seen as a traditional or ‘classic’ toy, playing whip and top at the park or on our street was an after school favourite!

Hearing the BBC Grandstand music every Saturday afternoon. Thanks to our parents, we can’t hear this now without being transported to our childhoods!

Cassette tapes. Our key to our favourite bands and much loved music. We had them stacked high in our house!

Whether at school, or on small blackboards at home, the smell of coloured chalk – and the feeling of the dust all over our finger – always take us back.

Dallas is one of those TV shows that we wouldn’t mind seeing make a come back – although can they ever beat the legendary ‘who shot JR?’ storyline?!

We loved the Mr Men and couldn’t wait to share the books with our own children – bring back the TV cartoon!

Roobarb and Custard – the perfect distraction for the kids before the evening news and tea time.

Teletext and this screen that came up on the TV when no programs were on and then we would just wait for the morning cartoons to start…

Heading back to the late 50s and early 60s – does anyone remember watching The Wooden Tops on TV?

“Here’s one I made earlier” Peter Purves, Lesley Judd, John Noakes and the sheepdog Shep were all a big part of our childhood and there are too many priceless Blue Peter moments to mention them all!

Saving your pennies so you could get all of the chocolate out of one of these…

Did you grow up in the 90s? Did you have one of these growing up?