14 stunning aerial photos of beaches around the world

Interesting objects that, with careful eye, can be framed to make beautiful art

Awe-inspiring photos of beach scenes
Every beach has something that sets it apart.

Photographer Gray Malin knows this firsthand. For his latest book, "Beaches", Malin spent hours hanging out of helicopters to take awe-inspiring photos of beach scenes all around the world.

"I have always loved geometry and am attracted to repetition, shape, and form," Malin told Business Insider. "For me, the beach is a blank canvas made of interesting objects that, with careful eye, can be framed to make beautiful art."

Malin ended up traveling to 10 different countries, including Brazil, Australia, Spain, and South Africa. Ahead, see some of the stunning aerial photos he captured for his new book.

Malin traveled to ?20 cities, 10 countries, and six continents to capture these gorgeous images.

Camps Bay Beach, South Africa

Malin's passion for aerial photography was born in 2011, when he was struck by inspiration while overlooking a huge swimming pool from a hotel balcony. He was instantly inspired by the colorful scenes, splashing swimmers, and geometric patterns that he saw.

Sydney, Australia

Rather than taking these interesting shots using a drone, Malin photographed each one from a doorless helicopter.

Miami, Florida

He would spend an hour and a half up in the air, leaning over the edge to capture these scenes of summer bliss.

Barcelona, Spain

"It is an incredible feeling when you are up in the sky seeing such beautiful landscapes come to life inside ?the lens," Malin said. "It is easy to forget that you're leaning from a shaking helicopter."

Dubai, UAE

The process of photographing from a helicopter is very intense and comes with many complications.

Coogee Beach, Sydney, Australia

Malin's hair often hits him in the face, and his eyes tear up heavily from the wind. He has to simultaneously direct the pilot through a headset so that he can fly at certain angles and get the photograph he wants.

Bondi Beach, Sydney, Australia

He photographs everything with a digital camera, so he has to move his fingers as fast as possible to find the correct settings for the harsh lighting. "And don't even get me started on the focus!" Malin said.

Rimini, Italy

Malin's favorite beach to photograph is Rio de Janeiro because of how lively the shore is.

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

"?I loved seeing the beaches of Rio De Janeiro from above," Malin said. "They are so incredibly packed with life and spirit from sunrise to sunset. It is truly a beach city."

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Malin found it very interesting that some cultures rarely use beach umbrellas, while others rely on them.

Coney Island, New York

"Sydney has very few beach umbrellas in many of my photos, while Italian beaches are covered with endless rows," Malin said. "Also, the distance between clusters of people laying on the beach is greatly varied depending on the culture or region."

Barcelona, Spain

Malin encountered some challenges while photographing for this book, but he never gave up.

Santa Monica, California

"I have learned to never give up, which is the attitude needed in order to bring a series like this to life," Malin said. "I love my job and it has been a real journey, which I am thrilled to be able to share in a book format for people all over the world to enjoy."

Ipanema Beach, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


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