Adorable Husky Puppies

Sleeping In A Row They Are The Cutest Nappers Ever

Nap time!
Nap time has never looked so cute! After Maria Bourquin’s husky gave birth to a litter of six puppies, everyone was dog tired. The gorgeous puppies fell asleep on their backs in a row and snuggled into each other.

The adorable pups blissfully fall fast asleep on their backs. They begin to have sweet dreams, likely about playing fetch and getting some tasty treats. These cuddly, newborn puppies have to be the cutest, sleepiest puppies on the Internet. With their pink bellies and tiny legs wiggling while they dream.

Puppies are cute and adorable pretty much all the time – but apparently they are at their most heart-melting when they sleep, like these irresistible pugs puppies,who went viral last week. Did you know that a 12-week-old puppy needs 15 to20 hours of sleep in a 24-hour period? Now that is a lot of sleep — and whole lot of cuteness!

Have you ever seen anything this sweet?! These puppies are so cute, we could just eat them up! This is guaranteed to soften even the hardest of hearts.


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