How the most popular web browsers have battled for dominance since 2008

The change in popularity of internet browsers

World maps
There was a time when Microsoft's Internet Explorer ruled the world. That doesn't mean that everyone liked it, but Microsoft's firm commitment to the web browser meant it made its way onto most computers.

But as these maps, created by Jody Sieradzki at Dadaviz show, there's only so long you can prop up a product that most people despise. These maps show the change in popularity of internet browsers from 2008 to '15, as Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer fought to see who would emerge as the web browser of the future.

See how Chrome became the triumphant force in the web-browser wars below:

Internet Explorer rules the world.

Opera explodes in Eastern Europe.

Firefox steals Opera's thunder.

Chrome sneaks into the scene.

Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer battle for dominance.

Chrome begins to win the war.

Safari gets really popular in ... Greenland?

Chrome controls almost the entire world.


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