Hilarious diet fails we can all relate to!

Diet starts on Monday ok?!

So funny and so true!
Monday is when the diet starts – right? Or how about Tuesday? Ok, we will wait until next week…next month…next summer! Sound familiar?

We’ve all been there and we’ve all been on a diet but sometimes the need for chocolate, wine and a cheeky takeaway takes over! We reckon these totally hilarious diet quotes and mimes are the best way to describe our diet fails, can you relate to any of these? Share with your friends and they are bound to give everyone a laugh! What one best describes you right now?

The rule breaker
The wine drinker
The chocolate lover
The helpful friend
The sophisticated dieter

The Monday dieter
The gym phobic
The fast food lover
The I’m never going to the gym kinda gal
The weekend indulger
The vegetable hater!
The early riser!
The midnight snacker
The diet addict!
OH and finally…


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