Adequately to the well known Japanese subtlety, delicacy and precision invested in each life segment, and especially into art, the waterscapes of Haruka Misawa provide next-level aquarium design. Created to connect the dwelling of the marine creatures into effortless interior design, Haruka Misawa’s aquascapes raise the placidity and tranquility of fish floating through water to sky-high dimensions.
Created to connect the dwelling of the marine creatures into effortless interior design
Yes, we may have called these water containers aquariums, and, undoubtedly, they are so. On another note, aquascapes can be so much more, particularly when put into the hands of Japanese skilled masters of waterscaping. It is no wonder that this ultimate 3D peace comes out from a designer based in Japan. After all, they are well-known for the simplicity of mesmerizing ikebana arrangements and painstakingly elegant tea rituals.
Adequately to the well known Japanese subtlety, delicacy and precision invested in each life segment, and especially into art, the waterscapes of Haruka Misawa provide next-level aquarium design. Created to connect the dwelling of the marine creatures into effortless interior design, Haruka Misawa’s aquascapes raise the placidity and tranquility of fish floating through water to sky-high dimensions.
Adequately to the well known Japanese subtlety, delicacy and precision invested in each life segment, and especially into art, the waterscapes of Haruka Misawa provide next-level aquarium design. Created to connect the dwelling of the marine creatures into effortless interior design, Haruka Misawa’s aquascapes raise the placidity and tranquility of fish floating through water to sky-high dimensions.