Using hydrochromic paint – a special formula which changes from transparent to opaque when it gets wet, the created some amazing art pieces which only can be seen when it has rained. Follow the Hastag #ProjectMonsoon to stay updated on this amazing initiative.
Street Art in Seoul That Only Appears After It Has Rained
Formula which changes from transparent to opaque
During the annual 3 week raining season in Seoul, South Koreah, the city’s energy and color disappear under the dark cloud and people would rather stay indside. The school of the art Institue of Chicago teamed up with Pantone to bring some color back during those weeks.
Using hydrochromic paint – a special formula which changes from transparent to opaque when it gets wet, the created some amazing art pieces which only can be seen when it has rained. Follow the Hastag #ProjectMonsoon to stay updated on this amazing initiative.
Using hydrochromic paint – a special formula which changes from transparent to opaque when it gets wet, the created some amazing art pieces which only can be seen when it has rained. Follow the Hastag #ProjectMonsoon to stay updated on this amazing initiative.