9 things that totally sum up how we feel on a Sunday night

Wish you could wind back the clock and do the weekend all over again

Monday tomorrow again!
Ever had that feeling on a Sunday night where you suddenly remember it’s Monday tomorrow and wish you could wind back the clock and do the weekend all over again? Yup, us too!

Here’s 9 things that totally sum up how we feel on a Sunday night before a (dreaded) Monday morning…

Our face when some casually reminds us it’s Monday tomorrow again:
Followed by this reaction:
Pretty much from 6pm onwards on a Sunday night…
Putting the kids to bed like…
Weekends aren’t for dieting – they’re for indulging!
When your partner decides to open all the bills on a Sunday night and you realise you forgot to tell them about that purchase you made shopping last week…
Sundays are for snuggling in bed or on the sofa all day…right?
Getting into bed on a Sunday night like…
When you spend the whole day relaxing and enjoying doing nothing, and then suddenly realise it’s actually Sunday and you’ve got loads to do before Monday….[cue stress and anxiety]
Finally, a little something for everyone facing a tough week ahead! Hang in there, only 5 days to go until the weekend again…


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