8 Reasons Why People Who Love Gardening Are Good Lovers

Unique blend of patience, vision, creativity, wisdom and kindness

Love life in all the different forms
“It was such a pleasure to sink one’s hand into the warm earth, to feel at one’s fingertips the possibilities of the new season.” – Kate Morton, The Forgotten Garden

Gardening is an act of love, of the most pure form. It is an act of love you perform with Mother Earth. Moreover, it is an act that teaches us to love life in all the different forms it takes.

People those who are gardener at heart, they possess lots of great virtues. They are a unique blend of patience, vision, creativity, wisdom and kindness. And, their never ending propensity to love is surely among those qualities.

Here below are some reasons that illuminate the fact that people who love gardening are good lovers and convince you that if you’re dating them, you’re doing absolutely right.

1. They have the ability to make deep connections.

One foundation for a long lasting relationship is deep bonding between partners. A deep relationship focuses on affection for what people are at the core of their heart instead of their financial and social positions.

People who are fond of gardening are far more likely to have deep connections with their partners than those who are not. This is because they have deep connection with plants, earth and the garden itself, which extends to human relationships as well.

2. They are patient.

Lovers of gardening are the folks with great deal of patience. It obviously takes a lot of patience to get hands dirty in the field, spending hours caring for the plants, when it takes a long time for the fruits of all those hard work to appear.

Patience is an important virtue of a good lover. When in relationship, you surely will have to exhibit a good deal of patience from waiting him/her to reply back to enduring difficult stages in the relationship.

3. They love to be out in the open air.

Although indoor gardening is a fairly valid notion, when we refer to ‘gardening’, we generally mean ‘outdoor gardening’. And, regular practitioners of gardening are the ones who love to be out in the open air.

So if you are an outdoor lover, you’d also prefer someone who loves to spend time with nature and in those who have a soft corner for gardening, you exactly have that. As such, you have endless choices of activities if you go out with them.

4. They take good care of their other halves.

Love flows through the veins of gardeners. They don’t just love plants, generally their love extends to all the living things. By nature, they are caring people and you are far less likely to feel neglected in their company.

With their natural tendency to care for their partners, with them, you’ll have a steady and blissful relationship. They will be there with you through your joys and through your sorrows. They are not surely of the bunch that’s only making constant demands.

5. They are highly active.

Folks who have a passion for gardening ooze with energy and dynamism. They are always willing to toil in the field and not just when it’s a holiday. In the garden, they’re always doing one thing or another. This drive extends to other activities as well.

For a vibrant and lively relationship, you’d obviously want active people, those who are constantly looking to do something. They never run
out of ideas and enthusiasm to have a good time with you. This extends to bed also.

6. They have good mental and physical health.

Gardening is rousing and invigorating. Gardeners are physically active and gardening is a fun way to do exercise without even knowing you are doing it. Gardening also uplifts the mood and releases endorphins.

Great health offers major boost to the relationship. It ensures they can have smooth relationship without hiccups. Being healthy also means you are able to take good care of yourself as well as your significant other.

7. They are satisfied with their lives.

People who enjoy gardening are content with their lives and are less likely to exhibit signs of unhappiness and dissatisfaction. Gardening is a great pastime that makes one feel their life to be worthwhile. There is a sense of organic optimism in gardeners.

Happy people are capable of filling other’s lives also with happiness. You’d surely want to date such people. They will always raise your spirits and make you feel valuable. You wouldn’t surely want to be with people who are always complaining.

8. They are kindness personified.

Gardeners are the epitome of kindness. They are sensitive beings who don’t want to harm others. They are kind to plants, birds, animals, children and every other thing. Compassion for others is probably their most important trait.

And, kind people certainly make good lovers. Thoughtfulness for the feelings of the partner secures deep bond with them. Gardeners with kind heart are not to let go of as you won’t find someone as understanding and considerate as them.


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