Local authorities were quick to close the road, attracting curious on-lookers, who wanted to catch a glimpse at the unexplained phenomenon, as well as adventurous skateboarders who wanted to take advantage of the ramps that were made. Officials of the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works also used Twitter to warn people to stay away from the site.

CBS news reported on Sunday that the road crumbled over a 60 meter stretch of road, which prompted the closure of Vasquez Canyon Road between Lost Creek Road and Vasquez Way. UCLA geologist Jeremy Boyce told the press it was not clear what caused the phenomenon: “There was no big rainstorm that triggered this. There was no big earthquake that triggered this.”

“Everything is being looked into because nothing is obvious. There’s no indication that seismic activity had anything to do with it,” Steve Frasher, a spokesman with the LA Department of Public Works, said.