11 tricks to get the perfect hairstyle

Really effective tricks to get ideal hairstyle

The style you want
Sometimes, even the smallest thing can prevent your hair from looking as perfect as you want it. A single hair sticking out or lying askew can be really annoying. Everything, of course, depends on the technique you use and the style you want.

To make sure you never have another bad hair day, here are 11 simple but really effective tricks to get the perfect hairstyle.

Getting the perfect hair bun

You can sculpt a truly perfect hair bun if you make use of a sock when you’re twisting it into position.

How to get the perfect curls

Try this method if your hair never stays curled for long. Twist a lock of hair into a curl, wrap it in silver foil, then grip it together using curling tongs. Now they’ll last for ages!

Using salt water

Curly locks often look a bit of a mess by the middle of the day, but if you try to sort them out with a comb, you can lose your curls entirely. You can use salt water to keep your hair in place. Mix one teaspoon of sea salt with 0.5 litres of mineral water, then pour the mixture into a jar with a sprayer. Salt helps to fix curls in place and creates a ’wet hair’ effect.

Using a headband

You can fix up your long hair stylishly using a headband before putting in another accessory. True, it’s not always easy to use this if you have long hair. But if you pull most of your hair together with a headband first, anything else you want to do will become a lot easier.

Getting the ’thick hair’ look

Apply eye shadow of the same colour as your hair on the area you want to appear thicker.

Raise up your ponytail

Use a couple of hairpins to keep a high ponytail in place and prevent it drooping down forlornly.

How to make a ponytail longer

If you want to make your ponytail appear longer, just make two ponytails instead of one. Make one closer to the top of your head and the second one further down.

Get rid of rebellious hairs

If you find that your hair is often ruined by unruly strands coming out of place, try this trick: apply some hair spray, and then smooth your hair down using a mascara brush. This will help bring frizzy hair under control without making it sticky. An alternative here is to put some hair spray on the mascara brush itself.

Get curls without curlers

Here’s a simple way to make your hair curly and then go to sleep without worrying about having to do it all again in the morning: simply tuck your hair into a hair band at night.

How to use a hairpin correctly

Turns out I’ve been using them wrong my whole life!

Natural curls quickly

Simply braid your hair (but without fastening it together), then use curling tongs.

Using spiral hairpins

If you have straight or very unruly hair, use spiral hairpins instead of the usual straight ones (you have to screw them into your hair). They’ll keep your hair in place until sunset.

A bow-tie ponytail

This is a great way to wear a ponytail in a way which will attract attention. Just don’t forget to smooth unruly hairs down.


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