1. When You’re beyond Angry

It’s so hard to hold your tongue when you’re angry! You want to lash out at whoever’s causing the problem. That’s a completely understandable feeling. And while it may feel good to vent your anger, you’ll likely regret it later. It’s best to take the time to calm down until you know you can speak reasonably.
2. When You Know Someone is Just Begging for Drama

We all have people in our lives who love drama. And don’t they just drain all your positive energy? I feel like the drama queens in my life do! The best way to deal with a person like this is starve their need for drama by not giving in when they’re trying to anger you. Taking the high road is the right thing to do and teaches drama queens and kings they’ll have to go elsewhere for the chaos they crave.
3. When You Could Get Yourself in Trouble

Holding your tongue is a wise decision when saying something could get you into trouble. An example of this might be when you’re tempted to join in gossiping about your boss. It’s tempting but it could have consequences. If word ever gets back to your boss then you could be dealing with a lot of trouble at work. If saying something could land you in hot water later then hold your tongue.
4. When You Don’t Know What to Say

There’re times when you simply don’t know what to say. Maybe a friend’s family member passed away or your sister announced she’s getting divorced. You want to say something comforting but nothing feels right. It’s okay to say nothing at all and just be there. It’s also okay to say that you don’t know what to say. It’ll be understood that you want to reach out to them in comfort but aren’t sure how to do so.
5. When You’ve Never Been in the Same Position

Sometimes you want to help someone through a situation but you’ve never been in their spot. Unless you’ve been in that specific position, you truly don’t understand. You can’t say you know how they feel when you don’t. You may even disagree with how someone is handling a situation but you’ve never been there to know for sure what you’d do. There’re times when it’s better to say nothing than to say the wrong thing.
6. When You Don’t Have All the Information

All of us have found ourselves in a situation where we feel aggravated or angry. It’s best to make sure you have all the facts before you say anything. Jumping to conclusions is never a good idea. You end up regretting losing your temper and may be embarrassed of how you acted. Hold your tongue when you don’t have all the information.
7. When It’s TMI

You gotta know where to draw the line, ladies. There’re some things that’re just TMI. Of course you can share just about anything with your closest girlfriends. And you have to tell your doctor what’s going on with you and your body. But other than that, keep the details about your sex life or personal health issues to a minimum. Those aren’t things that most people are comfortable hearing. ????