“Oh you look great today, what happened to you last night?” I said to myself in the morning.
“What a sunny day! What if I can be one of the clouds and float in the blue sky?” I asked myself.
Though sometimes such behavior is non-controllable. There’re advantages too. One of them is that it makes me feel calm.
Below are the reasons it happens a lot, how it helps, the struggles we encounter.
1. Memories and relationships are of particular importance.
You value memories of good times and positive relationship that you have in your life. You hold these things dear and do not take them for granted. You often find it pleasing to think about memories you have of recent events or conversations you have shared with friends and family. As memories and relationships are very important to you, you value keeping these alive and fresh in your mind. By saying things out loud you are able to remember the event or person more vividly and this helps you to clearly reminisceov about pleasant times and positive connections.
2. You mind works non-stop; you constantly have new ideas and thoughts.
Your mind is on constant overdrive. Your thoughts run around your head like a whirl wind. By verbalizing some of these ideas you are able to slow your thoughts down a bit and focus on one thing at a time. Hearing what you are thinking makes things clearer and easier to decipher.
3. You’re a drama queen; you play out dramatic scenarios in your mind.
You experienced lots of drama running through your mind, which you yourself create. You’re the one who writes the script, directs the action, starts in the show and acts as the audience. By controlling all of the elements you can create your reality as you would like it to be. Talking to yourself makes your personal dramatic ‘play’ all the more real. Once more you are also your own audience; always attentive.
4. You have a consultant in your head.
You always have someone who you can consult; yourself. You are always present and able to provide yourself with feedback and advice. By speaking to yourself out loud you can internalize your issues and problems better and as such can be a better consultant. The advice you have to offer yourself can be more pointed when you respond to information that is verbalized.
5. You experience memory lapse.
You often find yourself drifting off in conversation and can forget what others have said. When people are having a discussion your mind is sometimes off in other places processing a lot of other information. You find it hard to stay focused and pay attention to what is happening around you. Often you are conversing with yourself and this distracts you from what is going on around you.
6. You self-reflect a lot.
You like to reflect on qualities you hold and attributes that you would like to possess. You can at times be critical when you see things in yourself that you do not like but you also like to praise yourself when you feel that you are doing well. By talking out loud it helps you internalize things you notice about yourself. Being able to hear what you think about attributes you possess and characteristics you would like to have makes it easier for you to come to terms with these things.
7. Your empathy can hurt you sometimes.
As you’re very empathetic and sometimes you find yourself overly sad when you see other people struggling or in pain. You find it difficult to get out of this sad place even if nothing has directly happened to you. You sometimes see that it is useful to talk to yourself through painful experiences. You find it comforting to hear your own voice and can often sooth yourself through self talk.
8. You have lots of fantastic or strange ideas that can stun people around you.
You have a lot of radical and fantastic ideas that can often shock your friends and family. You think outside the box and this can sometimes surprise others. At times you find it best to run your extreme ideas past yourself before revealing them to others. You like to see how these ideas sound when you say them out loud. If they appear to be too out there you sometimes decide it is best to keep them to yourself.
Talking to yourself is a unique trait that is sometimes misunderstood, but in actual fact it can be a very useful and reassuring virtue.