Best free online courses to improve digital skills

How to use certain software

Try and do the following courses
No doubt, we are now living in the most technologically-advanced state the world has ever experienced. Everything is becoming digital and online but sometimes you don’t necessarily know how to use certain software, apps and programs and let us tell you something – it is okay!

You don’t have to know everything but you could try and do the following courses to improve your digital skills!

  • WordPress for beginners – free on Udemy
Pretty much all blogs run on WordPress these days. It is the easiest and user-friendliest platform for website beginners and is a great way of starting a blog or even just a normal website.
  • Social media marketing – free on Alison
We know, we all use Facebook and Twitter but it doesn’t mean that you know how to market a product on those sites. Simply putting up a post won’t do it! Timing, days, content, audience and many other things have to be taken into account as well.
  • Adobe Photoshop for beginners – free on Adove
No explanation needed here. Photoshop is the number 1 tool to use in many jobs in the creative sector and even if you are not close to photography, Photoshop skills will still prove useful.
  • Intro into HTML and CSS – free on Udacity
If you haven’t studied IT in college but still wish to learn how to create a digital platform, this course would definitely be of interest to you. Good explanation of all the basics and free of charge!
  • SEO for beginners – free on Udemy
Even if you know what SEO stands for and how to use it in WordPress, it is not everything there is. SEO drives Google search results and if you want to know how to make Google pick up your site and show it at least on the first page, click through!
  • Google Analytics course – free on Google
Google Analytics is an amazing tool to know how much traffic there is on your site and where it all comes from. Whilst it seems quite easy to use, there are still certain aspects and features that you are unaware of and might not use for that reason. Do this course and make use of Google Analytics to its full potential.

  • LinkedIn training course– free on Social Media Training
Take this short course to get to know what LinkedIn can do and what it is mainly used for. Not many people actually know how to use it and that can make them opt out from such a great career resource.
  • How to set up a digital business – free on Digital Business Academy
This course will take you through the stages of setting up your own business online and even if you have never even thought of having your own business it will still give an overview of how things work online.
  • Writing for the web – free on Open 2 Study
Writing for the web seems easy – what can be less difficult than writing a simple post on a website? But in reality it takes a lot more time and effort. Most social media and web writers go through lots of training in order to know how to get to their audience and make sure they respond.
  • Video editing – free at the Open University
This course comes in a form of a podcast, which means you can easily listen to it on the go and gives an overview of why video editing is essential in the digital world and how to do it.


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